Part Heart, Part Smart from 11/11/11 to 11/11/22

11 years ago, I left my corporate career for the first time - 11 years in.  I spent 5 weeks in Mexico, and started a blog called Part Heart, Part Smart, that I launched on 11/11/11.

That year was full of adventure, exploration, trials, and tribulations.  I became a yoga teacher, I took on consulting roles, I entered the entrepreneur space with an aromatherapy line, and I got married.  But ultimately I went back to the safety of the familiar... and returned to corporate.

11 years later, Part Heart, Part Smart is ready for its new chapter, launching officially today, on 11/11/22.

Now an accomplished brand strategy consultant and leadership coach, I've been watching an increasing dependence on data for the answers to everything - from big corporate to online entrepreneurs.  But the biggest answers are never found inside the numbers.  They're found inside ourselves.  Our intuition, our inner knowing, our vision, our desire to make an impact on this world of ours.

PHPS is a brand and leadership consultancy, that merges intuition and intellect for better decisions.  Through our Presence-Proof-Process framework, we help individuals, teams, and brands reconnect to their intuition and ground that in powerful data and structure to bring it home.

I'm here to help good people do big things - and I hope I can help some of YOU!

Please share and I welcome collaborations and referrals as I enter this new chapter.



Bringing Back Intuition For Business