The story behind Part Heart, Part Smart

I started Part Heart, Part Smart on 11/11/11, with a seed of an understanding that we were losing touch with the “heart” and intuition part of our decision making in business, brand, and life.

Over the past 11 years, as I transitioned from an in-house brand executive to a full time brand consultant and leadership coach, I saw this trend worsening. The more automation, efficiency, and data-based “answers” available to us, and the more certainty we could control micro-outcomes with tools like performance marketing, the more we were losing touch with the source of the bigger picture. We’d traded our big visions for Big Data. We lost connection to those transformational moves that drew us into this work in the first place - as marketers, leaders, founders, and changemakers — driven to make an impact.

We as an industry were starting to miss the forest from the trees.

While my professional experience spans some of the world’s biggest brands and most interesting challenges, and gave me the opportunity to build my intellect, my skills, and my ability to lead brands masterfully, my personal path has led me to strengthen my intuition, my connection to Self, and my connection to others. This combination of intuition and intellect has proven a powerful pair that’s led to 20+ years of solving the toughest brand problems and unveiling transformation and growth for clients.

Professionally, my brand experience is eclectic and unique, with everything from P&G to start-ups. I’ve restaged Noxzema for 10x value before P&G sold it, redeveloped and restaged global brands for AVON with more than 20% lift across regions, and relaunched hello products, a founder-led natural brand - which neared 25x growth within the 4 years that followed.  I’ve uncovered deep insights for healthcare companies and helped them see a vision for their product that was bigger than they’d imagined. And I’ve helped expert based service providers understand how to download all their genius in a way that aligned their perfect clients to them.

Personally, I’m a mother to two beautiful and wild children, trained as a yoga instructor, and known as a very calming force on projects and a delightful partner to work with. In my free time you’ll find me traveling, cooking delicious things, meditating, taking nature walks, or pulling my tarot cards. I’m unapologetically liberal, anti-racist, feminist, and an ally to BIPOC and LGBTQ.

My personal mission is helping good people achieve big things - I hope you’ll be one of them.

What People Are Saying

Intuition is step one to the impact you know you’re made to make

Let’s Talk

Reach out for a complimentary connect - let me know what’s going on in your world and if I can help you step into what’s next.